1. Local state: is the state that is specific to a particular component in an application and is not shared with other components. This type of state is often managed within the component itself, using component-level state variables and setters. Because the state is only accessible within the component, it can be easier to manage and reason about. However, it can also make it more difficult to share data between components or maintain consistency in the case of complex, interdependent state.
  2. Centralized state: Centralized state is a single source of truth for all state in an application. This approach uses a centralized store, such as a state management library, to manage and update the state, and all components in the application have access to the centralized store to read and update state. This approach makes it easier to share data between components and maintain consistency, but can also add complexity, particularly in larger applications.
  3. Global state: Global state refers to state that is accessible from anywhere in an application without any restrictions. This type of state is often managed using global variables, but can also be managed using a centralized store or a global state management library. While this approach makes it easy to share data between components, it can make it more difficult to manage and reason about state, particularly in larger and more complex applications.

It's important to note that the specific approach to state management will depend on the requirements of the specific application and the trade-offs that are acceptable in terms of ease of management, scalability, and maintainability.